
Showing posts from April, 2020

3 Benefits Of Weighted Blankets You Aren’t Aware Of

While some people are blessed with peaceful, snoring sleep at night, others spend their nights tossing and turning around. When you can’t keep your eyes shut in the middle of the night, and the smartphone isn’t the culprit behind your sleeplessness, chances are your body doesn’t feel comfortable.  Heavy blankets, which are also popularly known as gravity blankets, are specially designed to make you feel comfortable. This simple addition to your bed that brings back your good night’s sleep easily. If you’re wondering whether it’s possible or not, here we have shared some of the benefits of weighted blankets.   Increase Melatonin   If you’re one of the victims of stress and anxiety, take a weighted blanket as your rescuer. These blankets naturally increase melatonin levels that further promote serotonin levels in the nervous system. This powerful combination helps improve mental health, ignites a sense of well-being, and ultimately achieves restful sleep. Sleep faster     M